2009년 4월 7일 화요일

온라인 비디오 시청율은 어떻게 표시할까?

Mindshare's New Metric for Web Video: Gross Ratings Points
Media Agency Looks to Spread TV Advertising Wealth to Online
by Michael Learmonth

Published: April 06, 2009

NEW YORK (AdAge.com) -- Good news for online video: Mindshare, a unit of WPP's giant media buying operation GroupM, is embracing a new metric that could speed the migration of TV advertising dollars to the web.


Since YuMe specializes in placing video ads in premium video, including TV shows on the web, a GRP metric will allow an advertiser to buy both TV and online for the same campaign on the same standard.
The agency is throwing its weight behind a translation of TV's gross ratings point to online video developed with video ad network YuMe, meaning Mindshare clients such as Unilever and Ford will start buying online video on a gross-ratings-point basis, the same way they buy TV.

Agencies have for some time looked for a way to measure online video in terms of gross ratings points (GRPs), or the sum of the reach of a campaign times the frequency that the target audience was exposed to an ad.

Major TV marketers have bought TV campaigns on a GRP basis for decades as they buy vast swaths of the country in certain demographics, and have years of experience in using that data to evaluate what the return on a TV campaign will be, say, on the sale of tubes of toothpaste in stores.

Would seem simple enough
On the face of it, converting online metrics such as "views" and "unique visitors" to a GRP, a measure of the reach and frequency of a campaign among U.S. households, would seem to be a fairly simple proposition.

But converting to a web audience, which is smaller and more splintered than TV, is difficult. A TV campaign, for example, would achieve a rating in one TV broadcast; online, the equivalent reach and frequency may be achieved over weeks or months.

Having an online equivalent -- an iGRP, if you will -- allows marketers to compare the effectiveness of TV and broadband on an apples-to-apples basis, and theoretically spread TV dollars online for the same campaign. Then, the buy becomes video wherever it happens to be, rather than just "online" or "TV."

YuMe isn't the only video ad network attempting to dip its toe into the $70 billion TV market by using TV metrics. In February, Tremor Media started reporting their own GRP equivalent for online video campaigns using ComScore demographic data, and BBE is working on its own GRP translation with Publicis Groupe unit Starcom Mediavest.

In embracing the new standard, Mindshare advertisers will have the option of buying web video on the same metric, and it's likely that Mindshare's sibling agencies within Group M, Mediaedge:cia, MediaCom and Maxus, will follow suit.

"As viewing online viewing continues to grow, we need to have a clear understanding with the partners we work with on how to evaluate frequency models on broadband vs. TV," said Cary Tilds, senior VP-digital strategy at Mindshare.

Since YuMe specializes in placing video ads in premium video, including TV shows on the web, a GRP metric will allow an advertiser to buy both TV and online for the same campaign on the same standard. An episode of "Heroes" on Monday night on NBC, for example, might have 7 million people watching and reach a certain percentage of viewers aged 18-49. An equivalent GRP could be achieved online but it might take buying audiences across many shows over time.

"We can now start to say, that the same million dollars you spent for the TV buy, you can have to run it for a month on these sites and you will get the equivalent," said YuMe President Jayant Kadambi.


  By DigitalGal | Chicago, IL April 6, 2009 06:10:20 pm:
It would be interesting to understand how and why Mindshare is going backwards (probably because it is comfortable).

By that I mean, translating a TV GRP, that is inherently a projected number to an internet impression, something that gets much much closer to a real unique number (at least a unique computer)...

One is going to get more credit, and one is not going to settle and not take advantage of the technology available to get closer to actuals vs. projections. Should we push TV metrics to get closer to reality vs. allowing online to settle?

it's akin to social networks rendering focus groups even more useless, you know, when 8 people focus groups were what shaped a campaign or justified a campaign.

Imagine, if you will, agencies just saying, "you know what... focus groups have been what we have always used. They treated us alright and we have them down to a science. We have the facilities, we have the fancy 2-way mirrors, we have moderators. We know what to do with the findings. And most importantly, clients get them. What people are saying online is nice to have, but not something we have to pay attention to or figure out."

That is what I think of when I hear... we are just going to apply a GRP to online impressions.

move forward people, before you are left behind.

  By CARLOS | SANTA MONICA, CA April 6, 2009 06:10:13 pm:
It's an ideal idea, but it conflicts with a sacred cow in media -- to compare apples to apples, you got to have the same universe. The TV universe is not the same as the online video universe. For example, Adults 18-49 who watch Heroes on TV are not the same universe of Adults 18-49 who watch Heroes online. Yeah, you can convert, but anyone in the business knows what a mess that usually is. For example, network TV and cable TV universes are not the same, but some "experts," mistakenly, treat them alike.

  By YuriyBoykiv | Cliffside Park, NJ April 6, 2009 04:30:42 pm:
I think this is the next step in online TV marketing and I am glad that Mindshare is taking an initiative in building the universal iGRP system. Very few brands still fully see the benefits in marketing through online TV and it is partially due to the fact that there are no universal measurements and no consensus on the value of such ads.
One additional benefit of online TV ads lies within the Internet itself: instant click-through reward. In traditional TV ads the viewer needs to remember a phone, website, address, but in online TV advertising the viewer can take an immidiate action by clicking on the ad, which provides significant benefits for advertisers.

  By simeons | WALTHAM, MA April 6, 2009 04:16:25 pm:
Good initial move but it won't last. Using an ad network's analytics can only be a band aid for Group M. The brands they represent require broader measurement that spans networks. What's needed are simple, clear and consistent measurement and analytics services from an independent third party.

2009년 4월 1일 수요일

TV광고예산의 이동 - Reckitt-Benckiser

Reckitt-Benckiser가 2천만달러의 TV광고 예산을 온라인 비디오로 relocation한다는 기사가 나왔다. 예산 재배분에 대한 결정은 CPM단가의 효율을 높히기 위함이라고 전했다.

경기침체에 따른 새로운 미디어 전략이라는 평을 듣고 있지만 기존에 백만불도 안되는 온라인 광고 예산을 무려 20배나 넘게 증액하였다는 점이 우리에게 시사하는 바가 크지 않을 수 없다. 특히 CE(가전)제품도 아니고 온라인에 특화된 상품이 아닌... HH 소비재 생산자인 Reckitt이 이런 결정을 내렸다는 점에서 또 한번 놀라움을 금치 못했다.  

ALL PURPOSE CLEANERS <- RB는 이런거 만드는 회사다...


아직 연 4억7천5백만 달러는 TV광고 예산으로 집행하고 있지만 2008년 기준으로 전체 미디어 예산에서 1%도 온라인 집행를 꺼려했던 소비재 광고주 RB가 이제는 온라인으로 눈을 돌렸다. 한가지 확실한건 시청자와 시청율 그리고 엄청난 도달율을 가지고 있는 유튜브의 UCC 때문은 아닐 것이다. RB는 간단 명료하게 자사의 온라인 비디오 광고는 전문가 콘텐츠에 Align 될 것이라고 밝혔고 실제 대부분의 광고주는 출처와 내용 확인이 되지 않는 UCC에 광고를 하기를 당분간은 꺼려할 것이다. 상식적으로 생각해 봐도 환경을 보호하자는 소비자 UCC에 "강력한 세정제" 광고는 좀 안어울릴수도 있고 아주 그리고 매우 Proactive한 UCC 제작자?들의 다양한 공격에 노출될 수 있기에 좀더 안전한 광고 기법이 나올때 까지는 UCC 비디오를 통한 광고 사업모델은 나오기 힘들것으로 생각된다.


두가지 이유로 이번 미디어 전략이 나오지 않았나 싶다. 1) 도달율 2)효율성

소비자들의 비디오 소비 패턴이 크게 변화하고 있다. 전체 온라인 인구의 80%가 온라인 비디오를 시청하고 있고 인터넷 사용자의 Pool을 점진적으로 증가하는 트랜드다. TV 시청율의 감소는 젊은 소비자들에 대한 도달력 감소, 기존 TV의 과도한 광고로 인한 소비자의 광고외면과  설득력 감소로 광고효과가 떨어짐에 따라 미디어 예산 재배분은 설득력을 갖는다.



하지만 RB가 이번 발표에서 프리미엄 TV 콘텐츠를 서비스하고 있는 Hulu, ABC.com, CBS.com 그리고 NBC.com을 미디어 협업 대상에서 제외하고 있는 점은 RB의 미디어 재배분 의도가 단순한 비용절감 차원의 전략이 아닌지 의구심이 들게한다. 대부분 배너 광고네트워크의 저렴한 CPM단가에 익숙해져서 그런지 비교적 CPM단가가 높은 프리미엄 서비스 업체 보다 저렴한 비디오 광고 네트워크인 Glam, Tidal TV, YuMe, BrightRoll 과 같이 $5~$10 사이의 비디오 광고 네트워크를 중심으로 협력 관계를 맺었다고 한다. 이부분은... 안타깝지만 아직 온라인 비디오 채널은 이러한 보수적인 광고주들에게 기존TV광고 채널에 비해 그 효과를 인정받아서 예산 이동을 경험하는 것이 아니라 효과는 떨어지지만 저렴한 비용으로 소비자를 도달하는 도구로써의 예산 재배분이지 TV와 동등한 입지의 채널로 인정받는 것은 "절대" 아니라고 하고 싶다.


브랜드 광고는 관련성과 관계의 형성이 가장 중요한 가치라고 생각된다. 기존 TV광고가 이런 관련성과 관계의 형성에 중요한 역할을 해왔듯이 온라인 비디오 광고도 관련성과 관계의 형성에서 규모와 효율성을 모두 만족시켜야 TV와 동등한 채널로써 그 가치를 인정 받을 것이다.